Monday, July 08, 2013

Teachers with Guns Scare People with Money

The New York Times reports today that some insurance companies are revoking coverage or raising premiums at schools that arm employees. Schools Seeking to Arm Employees Hit Hurdle on Insurance. This is the market place reinforcing the point that those who object to guns in schools make and that I tried to capture here.

To keep kids safe in schools:

  • Lock and secure all entrances
  • Train staff, teachers and students to maintain door security and expect that they do it
  • Use video in common areas especially outside
  • Make sure everyone knows the lock-down and hold-in-place procedures and practice them often
  • Work with local law enforcement to develop common protocols, language and communication systems
  • Reduce the nationwide trend of cutting funding for local mental health programs.

Sunday, June 30, 2013

Tow Job

All I wanted to do was get a couple of cupcakes for dessert.

My wife and I had just finished a really good meal at a local Mexican restaurant and we decided on coffee at home. There is one of those bakeries on the street that sell those high-end cupcakes. Pop in, buy three, and head home.

So what if there is no street parking spaces open, the store next door seems closed and they've got an off street lot. So what if the sign says cars will be towed at the owner's expense, how long can it take to buy three cupcakes?

Long enough for the tow truck driver to get my rear wheels attached to his truck it turns out. Fortunately, I remembered from somewhere that they can't tow a car with people in it, so I say to my wife, "Hop in."

Saturday, June 22, 2013

Teachers with Guns

Following the tragedy at the Sandy Hook Elementary School in Newtown, when twenty children and six adults were killed by an intruder armed with an assault weapon, the N.R.A. proposed putting more guns in schools, in the hands of security officers and teachers.

Friday, June 14, 2013

Learning to Drive

Moving to New York after decades of driving in Boston has meant learning some new rules of the road.